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编辑者: | 发布时间:2016-07-05


美国威斯康星大学米尔沃基校区(The University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee)商学院副教授(终身教职)

主持人:徐迪 教授

  间:201677日 下午230

  点:嘉庚一 507

演讲题目:The effect of list price on channel performance in a consignment contract


  Electronic commerce such as online retailing has created an unprecedented market place and unconventional distribution channels for suppliers and retailers. Leading the industry,  is credited for creating innovative and efficient contracts for managing its operations and business relationship with suppliers. The newest contract offered by  is its so-called Advantage Program. A key parameter in the contract is the product list price that  allows a supplier to choose.   then sets the retail price at or below suppliers list price for selling the product to the market, and remits the supplier an amount equal to a pre-specified percentage of the list price on each unit sold. We build a game theoretic model to show that suppliers list price acting as a constraint on retailers retail price in the contract plays a major role in determining firms decision and performance in equilibrium.  In particular, by committing its retail price not to exceed suppliers list price, the retailer can improve its own profitability without hurting the supplier. 



方翔,美国威斯康星大学米尔沃基校区(The University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee)商学院副教授(终身教职),担任国际知名期刊POM的编委,美国运筹学和管理科学、制造和服务运营管理(MSOM)以及生产与运作管理学会会员,MSOM, OR, APJOR, DS等多个国际知名期刊的审稿人。

方翔老师长期从事供应链管理、生产与库存管理、博弈论、随机模型等领域的研究工作,在国际顶级期刊Management Science, Production and Operations Management, Naval Research Logistics, European Journal of Operational Research等杂志发表多篇论文,受邀在国际会议如INFORMS, MSOM, POM 等年会做过多次报告。