报告题目: How Consistency Matters in Signaling Identity and Capability for Alliance Formation: A Study of Venture Capital Syndication
报告人单位:北京大学光华管理学院组织与战略管理系 博士
时间:10月26日 (星期五)上午8:30-10:00
报告介绍:When contemplating strategic change, it is helpful to have alliance partners for risk-sharing and learning; however, potential partners may be unwilling to join an inexperienced firm. We explore this tension, arguing that the consistency between a firm’s proposed new activities and signals about its identity and its capabilities makes the firm more attractive as a potential partner. To test these ideas, we study alliance formation in China’s venture capital (VC) industry. Using data about a VC firm’s investments, its own statements about investment preferences, and its hiring of venture capitalists, we find that VC firms that propose moving into new areas that are consistent with their identity signals and capability signals are more likely to successfully syndicate investments.
嘉宾介绍: Rui Shen (Chinese) is a Ph.D. Candidate in Organization and Strategy at the Guanghua School of Management, Peking University. She received her Bachelor degree of Business Administration from Renmin University of China, and spent the 2017-2018 academic year as a visiting doctoral student at University of California, Davis. Her research interests are broadly in innovation and entrepreneurship areas, with a particular focus on venture capital and angel investment in China. Her dissertation project focuses on individual level antecedents of interfirm tie formation, exploring how venture capitalists’ career experience, interpersonal network and job mobility matter in venture capital firms’ syndication networks.