26-27th September 2024丨Leeds, UK
Call for Abstracts
This global event can offer you an invaluable opportunity to engage in international networking, helping you to develop professional connections early in your career so that you can begin to explore how research collaborations can lead to impactful collaborations on a global scale.
ACE Symposium 2024 aims to cultivate an international mindset by providing you with the opportunity to present your research to an international audience, as well as the chance to participate in a diverse programme which includes international expert speakers and research themed workshops designed to challenge you towards
progressive thinking on hot topics.
The organising committee is now accepting abstracts for a 10min presentation, plus Q&A.
All Postgraduate / PhD Researchers who have completed their first year are eligible to apply.
Please note that research projects that are not yet in the data collection or analysis stages are also welcome.
Abstracts with an interdisciplinary theme will be particularly well received.
Especially those with an international element where the research can be shown to facilitate the internationalisation of your work.
Thursday 30th May 2024
Successful candidates will receive funding for travel and accommodation.
Please send your abstract (500-750 words) with your name, research topic, year of study, phone number and department to
(Additional note: Abstracts are only accepted from applicants who are officially enrolled as PhD students)
Contact: Kelly CHAN, coordinator of International Development and Accreditation Office, School of Management, Xiamen University.
Office: Room 320, Jiageng Building#1, Siming Campus, TEL: +86-592-2182872.
The (ACE) was founded in 2013/14 under the patronage of the European Foundation for Management Development (EFMD). ACE focuses on academic excellence and the synergy between research and education to better prepare the next generation of executives.
In response to this vision, during the 2020-2021 academic year, a group of ACE members, Leeds University Business School (LUBS), the Faculty of Business and
Economics at University of Antwerp and the School of Management at Xiamen University (XMU), joined forces to provide a series of international research seminars
for post-graduates and early career post-doctoral researchers. Speakers covering a wide range of business-related topics were able to present to an international
group of attendees through these highly accessible online sessions. More recently the School of Economics and Business at the University of Ljubljana (SEB LU) has
become actively involved in this work and the virtual seminar sessions have continued with the latest taking place in March 2024.
The initiative is now expanding with this first face-to-face international event.