麻花星空mv已启动2021年与境外知名高校国际交流平台搭建项目,助力厦大百年校庆,我院与英国利兹大学、比利时安特卫普大学将联合举办多场在线叁方学术论坛(2021.4.21,2021.5.19, 2021.6.23)。首场论坛已于4月21日顺利召开,现向全院征集第二、叁场论坛的参会论文。如有交流兴趣的,欢迎投稿。谢谢。
投稿(论文摘要)截止时间:2021年5月3日 (星期一)
会议时间:2021年5月19日 19:00-20:30 (北京时间)(星期叁)
投稿(论文摘要)截止时间:2021年5月31日 (星期一)
会议时间:2021年6月23日 19:00-20:30 (北京时间)(星期叁)
1. 论文不限于实证研究,欢迎具前瞻性的理论建构与创新。
2. 投稿论文应具有原创性、议题明确。
3. 投稿论文应包括
4. 投稿人至少在读博士二年级及以上。
应征论文请发送至:kellychan19515@xmu.edu.cn,文件名为“作者+论文标题”,并在邮件主题中注明“(院系/中心)(年级)(作者姓名)TRILATERAL DOCTORAL JOINT SEMINAR SERIES-May/June”
陈婉莉 0592-2186311, kellychan19515@xmu.edu.cn
Dear Postgraduate / PhD Researchers,
Following last Joint Doctoral Seminar Series event, the Graduate School at Leeds University Business School, the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Antwerp and the School of Management at Xiamen University –would like to invite you to contribute to the May & June edition of the Joint Doctoral Seminar Series 2021. This seminar series aim to bring together postgraduate / PhD researchers and academics from around the world, starting with Leeds University Business School (UK), the Faculty of Business and Economics of the University of Antwerp (Belgium) and the School of Management at Xiamen University (China).
As the current situation offers few opportunities for networking and international exposure, the Joint Doctoral Seminar Series aims to provide an international platform for Postgraduate / PhD Researchers to widen their network, exchange knowledge and receive feedback on their research from peers and academics from the other institution.
The next two seminars will take place on:
Wednesday 19th May, 12:00 – 13:30 BST / 13:00 – 14:30 CEST / 19:00 – 20:30 CET – Research areas are primarily focused on Accounting & Finance
Wednesday 23rd June, 12:00 – 13:30 BST / 13:00 – 14:30 CEST / 19:00 – 20:30 CET - Research areas are primarily focused on Economics
Call for abstracts:
The organizing committee is now accepting abstracts for a 15-minute presentation, followed by a 15-minute Q&A session.
All Postgraduate / PhD Researchers who have completed their year 1 are eligible to apply. Please note that research projects that are not yet in the data collection or analysis stages are also welcome.
Research topics are currently scheduled as indicated above. The abstracts will be screened by the committee in order to match research interests with the partner institution. 1 abstract from EACH of the participating institution will be selected.
Please send your abstract in English (ca. 300 words) with title, keywords, author names, year of study and division/department, emails and research interests to Kelly Chan(kellychan19515@xmu.edu.cn).
* If you wish to be considered for 19th May event (Accounting & Finance), abstracts need to be submitted by Monday, 3rd May 2021.
* If you wish to be considered for 23rd June event (Economics), abstracts need to be submitted by Monday, 31st May 2021.
Thank you very much and we look forward to receiving your submission soon.
Best Regards,,
International Development and Accreditation Office
School of Management, XMU