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XU curriculum vitae School of Business and Economics Wilfrid Laurier University (519) 884-0710 ext. 2659, E-mail: bxu@wlu.ca DEGREES 2002 Ph.D. in Accounting, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada, December Thesis: The value relevance of financial and non-financial information in the biotech industry ( supervised by Michel Magnan, Concordia University) PROFESSIONAL DESIGNATION 2010 CPA/CGA Chartered Professional Accountant of Ontario and Canada EMPLOYMENT 2008-present Associated professor, School of Business & Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University 2009 Fall Visiting associated professor, City University of Hong Kong 2009 Spring Visiting associate professor, ESSEC School of Business, Paris, France 2008 Fall Visiting associate professor, JMSB, Concordia University, Montreal 2002-2008 Assistant Professor, School of Business and Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University Part-Time Instructor as a Ph.D. student at Concordia University, Montreal SCHOLARLY ACTIVITY PUBLICATIONS Refereed Professional Journal Publication 2004 Value Creation in the Biotechnology Industry, with Bruce McConomy, CMA Management, April 2004, p 29-31 (equal contribution) Peer Refereed Academic Journal Publications 2015 Homewonder: Shareholders vs. Stakeholders, with Flora Niu., Accounting Perspective, Forthcoming. 2015 "PROFITABILITY, STATE OWNERSHIP, TAX REPORTING AND CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPNSIBILITY: EVIDENCE FROM CHINESE LISTED FIRMS", with Tao Zeng, Social Responsibility Journal, forthcoming 2014 Information search volume and information explanatory power, with Zhulin Huang, International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, Vol 23 (3), 2015. 2014 Local accounting firms' pricing responses to entry of the Big Four accounting firms into China, with Tao Z eng, Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies, forthcoming 2009 Does recognition versus disclosure really matter? Evidence from the market valuation of recognition of employee stock option expenses, with Flora Niu, Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, Vol 16, Issue 2 ( Special issue for the 2008 accounting symposium), pg. 215-234 2009 R&D Innovation and the Value of Cash in the Biotech Industry Journal of Business Research, Vol. 26, Issue 7, pg. 750-755 (sole- authored) 2009 Investment Success and the Value of Investment Opportunities: Evidence from the Biotech Industry, Applied Financial Economics, Vol.19, Issue 7, pg. 527-537(sole-authored) Deflator Selection and Generalized Linear Modeling in Market-based Accounting Research, with Changbao Wu, Applied Financial Economics, Vol 18, Issue 21, pg. 1739-1753. 2007 The Stock Market Valuation of R&D Information in Biotech Firms, with Magnan, Michel, and Andre, Paul, Contemporary Accounting Research, Vol 24, Issue 4, 2007, pg. 1291-1318 (principal author) 2007 Beijing Biotechnology Company: Financial Reporting Issues of Expansion to the West, with Bruce McConomy, Issues in Accounting Education, Vol 22, Issue 4, 2007 (equal contribution) 2007 Life-Cycle Effect on the Value Relevance of Common Risk Factors Review of Accounting and Finance Vol. 6 (2), pg. 162-175, 2007 (sole-authored) 2006 R&D Progress, Stock Price Volatility, and Post-Announcement Drift: An Empirical Investigation into Biotech Firms, Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting Vol. 26, pg. 391-408, 2006 (sole-authored) 2006 R&D Strategy and Stock Price Volatility in the Biotechnology Industry, Review of Accounting and Finance Vol. 5, pg. 71-86, 2006 (sole-authored) 2006 Market Differential Evaluations of Strategic Alliances in the Pharmaceutical/Biotech Industry, Journal of High Technology Management Research Vol. 17, pg. 43-52, 2006 (sole-authored) REFEREED CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS 2015 Does Information Traffic Matter to Accounting Information Usefulness? Evidence from Internet Search Data, with Zhulin Huang, Canadian Academic Accounting Association annual meeting, Toronto May 2015 2015 Information search volume and information explanatory power, with Zhulin Huang, AAA AIS Mid-Year Meeting, Charleston, SC, Jan 22-24, 2015 2014 Web visibility, Web Traffic, Firm Capability and Market Value, with Fang Wang, Administrative Science Association of Canada annual conference (ASAC), Muskoka, May 9-13, 2014 2014 Homewonders Dilemma, with Flora Niu, Administrative Science Association of Canada annual conference (ASAC), Muskoka, May 9-13, 2014 2014 Web visibility, Web Traffic, Firm capability and Market Value, with Fang Wang, Canadian Academic Accounting Association annual conference (CAAA), Edmonton, May 29-June 1, 2014 2013 Web Visibility and Business Value Creation, with Fang Wang, 4th International conference on information technology, August 14-18, Beijin, China 2013 Web Visibility and Business Value Creation, with Fang Wang, International conference on finance and economics, Nov 2013, Bangkok, Thailand Information Content, Corporate Disclosure Behaviour and Stock Return, with Bruce McConomy, 33th European Accounting Association Annual Congress, Istanbul, May 19-21, 2010. Information Uncertainty, Corporate Disclosure, and Stock Return Volatility, with Michel Magnan (Concordia University), 31th Annual congress of European Accounting Association, April, 2008, Rotterdam, The Netherlands (equal contribution) Does Recognition Versus Disclosure Really Matter? Evidence from the Market Valuation of Recognition of Employee Stock Option Expenses, with Flora Niu, WLU, International Accounting Section and IAAER, Sun Diego, California, February 2008 Information Uncertainty, Corporate Disclosure, and Stock Return Volatility, with Michel Magnan (Concordia University), American Accounting Association annual conference (AAA), Anaheim, California, August, 2008 Information Uncertainty, Corporate Disclosure, and Stock Return Volatility, with Michel Magnan (Concordia University), Administrative Science Association of Canada annual conference (ASAC), Halifax, June, 2008 2007 Does Recognition Versus Disclosure Really Matter? Evidence from the Market Valuation of Recognition of Employee Stock Option Expenses, with Flora Niu, WLU, American Accounting Association annual conference (AAA), Chicago, August 2007 (equal contribution) 2007 The Value Relevance of Changes in Operating Efficiency, with Theresa Libby, WLU, Administrative Science Association of Canada annual conference (ASAC), Ottawa, June 2007 (equal contribution) 2007 Firm Performance and Economic Benefits from Information Externality, Administrative Science Association of Canada annual conference (ASAC), Ottawa, June 2007 (sole-authored) 2007 Does Recognition Versus Disclosure Really Matter? Evidence from the Market Valuation of Recognition of Employee Stock Option Expenses, with Flora Niu, WLU, Canadian Academic Accounting Association annual conference (CAAA), Halifax, May 2007 (equal contribution) 2006 The Relative Importance of Information Disclosures in the Biotechnology Industry, with Bruce McConomy, WLU, Canadian Academic Accounting Association annual conference (CAAA), Niagara Falls, June 2006 (equal contribution) 2006 R&D Innovation and Value of Cash in the Biotech Industry, Northern Finance Association annual conference (NFA), Montreal, September 2006 (sole-authored) 2006 The Stock Market Valuation of R&D Information in Biotech Firms, with Michel Magnan (Concordia University) and Paul Andre (HEC in Montreal), 18th Asian Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues (organized by American Accounting Association), Hawaii, 2006 (principle author) 2005 Deflation and Model Specification: An Empirical Investigation, American Accounting Association annual conference (AAA), San-Francisco, August 2005 (sole-authored) 2005 The Relative Importance of Information Disclosures in the Biotechnology Industry, with Bruce McConomy, WLU, Administrative Science Association of Canada annual conference (ASAC),Toronto, June 2005 (equal contribution) Heterogeneous Role of Income Statement, American Accounting Association annual conference (AAA), Orlando, August 2004 (sole-authored) 2004 The Relative Importance of Information Disclosures in the Biotechnology Industry, with Bruce McConomy, WLU, Northern Finance Association annual conference (NFA), St. Johns, November 2004 (equal contribution) 2004 Can Performance Differentiate Intra-Industry Information transfer? Canadian Academic Accounting Association annual conference (CAAA), Vancouver, June 2004 (sole-authored) 2003 Evaluating the Value Relevance of Financial and Non-Financial Information: An Interactive Perspective, with Michel Magnan (Concordia University) and Paul Andre (HEC in Montreal), American Accounting Association annual conference (AAA), Hawaii, August 2003 (principle author) 2003 The Value Relevance of Non-Financial Information and its Measurement: The Case of the Biotechnology Industry, with Michel Magnan (Concordia University) and Paul Andre (HEC in Montreal), Canadian Academic Accounting Association annual conference (CAAA), Ottawa, June 2003 (principle author) RESEARCH GRANTS External Refereed Research Grant Awarded 2008 Deloitte and Canadian Academic Accounting Association Research Grant, Value: $9,910. Project: Do Firms Change Assumptions Used in Fair Value Estimation of Employee Stock Option Expenses to Manipulate Earnings in the Post CICA HB 3870 Period? 2007 SSHRC Grant for Evaluate the Costs and Benefits of Stock Option Expensing in Canada, with Sati Bandyopadhyay and Changling Chen, University of Waterloo. 2004-2006 Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants and Canadian Academic Accounting Association Research Grant, October 2004 to December 2006, Value: $9,700. Project: Stock Option: Accounting Treatment and Market Valuation-Canadian Evidence, with Flora Niu, WLU Internal Refereed Research Grants Awarded Research Grants 2015 CA/Laurier Centre for the Advancement of Accounting Research and Education, value: $ 7740. Project: Navigating uncertainty in the biotech sector: Decision- making in new drug development processes, with Esther Maier 2014 SBE research grant, value: $2,000, project: Navigating uncertainty in the biotech sector: Decision-making in new drug development processes, with Esther Maier 2014 CA/Laurier Centre for the Advancement of Accounting Research and Education, Value: $6,000. Project: Corporate donation and firm performance. 2014 CA/Laurier Centre for the Advancement of Accounting Research and Education, Value: $4,600. Project: Corporate social responsibility and CEO compensation, With Flora Niu 2013 CA/Laurier Centre for the Advancement of Accounting Research and Education, Value: $2,300. CMA center: $5,000, Project: Executive compensation and corporate Social Responsibility, With Flora Niu 2013 CA/Laurier Centre for the Advancement of Accounting Research and Education, Value: 4,000. Project: Earnings management and going private decision, with Tao Zeng 2013 CA/Laurier Centre for the Advancement of Accounting Research and Education, Value: $2,000. Project: Web Visibility and Business Value Creation, with Fang Wang 2012 CA/Laurier Centre for the Advancement of Accounting Research and Education, Value: $2,000. Project: Big Four Entrance into China, With Tao Zeng 2012 CA/Laurier Centre for the Advancement of Accounting Research and Education, Value: $4,000. Project: Course Development for Financial Accounting Theory 2007 CA/Laurier Centre for the Advancement of Accounting Research and Education, Value: $11,050. Project: Information Uncertainty, Investors Behaviour and Share Price Volatility. 2007 CA/Laurier Centre for the Advancement of Accounting Research and Education, Value: $2,000. Project: The Effects of Financial Analysts Coverage on Biotech IPO Firms, with Bruce McConomy. 2006 CA/Laurier Centre for the Advancement of Accounting Research and Education, Value: $2,000. Project: Stock Market Volume Reaction to Information Disclosure in the Biotechnology Industry 2006 CA/Laurier Centre for the Advancement of Accounting Research and Education, Value: $2,000. Project: Information Disclosure and Share Price Volatility 2005 WLU Short-Term Research Grant, Value: $2,995. Project: An Empirical Assessment of Competing Information Disclosures in the Biotechnology Industry, with Bruce McConomy. 2004 WLU Initiatory Research Grant, Value: $300. Project: Can Deflation Correct Scale Effect in Capital Market Research? 2003 WLU Postdoctoral Research Fellowship, Value: $2,343. Project: The Value Relevance of Non-Financial Performance Information in Biotechnology Firms INVITED WORKSHOP PRESENTATIONS 2014 Who should be more visible? with Fang Wang National University of Singapore, Oct 2014 2014 Information traffic and explanatory power, University of Waterloo, June 6, 2014 2014 Web visibility, Web Traffic, Firm Capability and Market Value, with Fang, CGA conference May 2-3, 2014, University Manitoba 2013 Web Visibility and Business Value Creation, with Fang Wang, November 10, 2013, NanKai University, China Information Uncertainty, Corporate Disclosure, and Stock Return Volatility, with Michel Magnan (Concordia University), ESSEC School of Business, Paris, France. June 10 2004 The Reconciling Role of Earnings in Equity Valuation, presented at University of Waterloo, October 2004 (sole-authored) 2003 Can Firm Performance Determine the Magnitude of Intra-Industry Information Transfer? Presented at WLU, March 2003 (sole-authored) 2001 The Value Relevance of Financial and Non-Financial Information in the valuation model of Biotech Firms (Ph.D. dissertation), presented at 7 Canadian universities before joining Laurier OTHER SCHOLARLY ACTIVITIES Conference Organization 2015 International academic conference with International Economics and Development Research Centre (IEDRC, with Tao Zeng, Toronto September 7-8, 2015. Reviewer for Research Grant Application 2005 Reviewed one research grant application for Research Grants Council, Hong Kong Review for Tenure application 2014 one Tenure application for Dalhousie University Reviewer for Academic Journals 2015 reviewed one paper for Journal of Business Ethics 2015 reviewed one paper for Asia-Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics 2014 reviewed one paper for Asian Review of Accounting 2014 reviewed one for Journal of Business Ethics 2013 Reviewed one paper for Accounting Perspective 2013 Reviewed one paper for Journal of Ethics 2012 Reviewed one paper for Accounting Perspective 2011 Reviewed one paper for Accounting Perspective 2011 Review one paper for Contemporary Accounting Research 2010 Review one paper for Contemporary Accounting Research 2010 Reviewed one paper for Journal of Business Ethics 2010 Reviewed one paper for Accounting Perspective 2010 Reviewed one paper for International Journal of Business and Emerging Market 2010 Reviewed two papers for International Journal of Biotechnology 2009 Review one paper for Contemporary Accounting Research 2009 Review one paper for Journal; of Business Research Review one paper for Management News Letter 2008 Reviewed one paper for Applied Economics Reviewed two papers for Contemporary Accounting Research 2007 Reviewed one paper for Financial Review 2007 Reviewed one paper for Contemporary Accounting Research 2006 Reviewed one paper for Journal of Business Ethics 2006 Reviewed one paper for Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting 2006 Reviewed one for Journal of Applied Economics 2006 Reviewed one for Journal of High Technology Management Research 2005 Reviewed one for Review of Accounting and Finance Reviewer for Professional Bodies 2012 Reviewed a course for CGA Canada 2011 Reviewed FA3 course for CGA, Canada. Discussant at Refereed Conferences 2014 Canadian Academic Accounting Association annual conference (CAAA), Edmonton, May 29-June 1, 2014 (discuss one paper) 2007 Administrative Science Association of Canada annual conference (ASAC), June 2007, Ottawa (discussed one paper) 2006 Northern Finance Association annual conference (NFA), September 2006, Montreal (discussed one paper) 2004 Canadian Academic Accounting Association annual conference (CAAA), June, Vancouver, 2004 (discussed 2 papers) 2003 Canadian Academic Accounting Association annual conference (CAAA), June, Ottawa, 2003 (discussed 3 papers) Reviewer for Refereed Conferences 2015 Administrative Science Association of Canada annual conference ASAC ( reviewed one paper) 2015 Canadian Academic Accounting Association annual conference (CAAA) ( reviewed two papers) 2014 American Accounting Association annual conference (AAA) (reviewed two papers) 2014 Canadian Academic Accounting Association annual conference (CAAA) ( reviewed one paper) 2014 Administrative Science Association of Canada annual conference (ASAC) (reviewed one papers) 2013 Canadian Academic Accounting Association annual conference (CAAA) ( reviewed 2 paper) American Accounting Association annual conference (AAA) ( reviewed one paper) 2011 Canadian Academic Accounting Association annual conference (CAAA) ( reviewed 1 paper) 2010 American Accounting Association annual conference (AAA) (reviewed one paper) 2008 Canadian Academic Accounting Association annual conference (reviewed five papers) Administrative Science Association of Canada annual conference (ASAC) (reviewed two papers) 2006 American Accounting Association annual conference (AAA) 2006 (reviewed one paper) Chairing at Refereed Conferences 2015 AIS Mid-Year Meeting, Charleston, SC, Jan 22-24, 2015 2014 Administrative Science Association of Canada annual conference (ASAC), May 2014, Muskoka (chaired one session) 2007 5th Conference on International Accounting Issues, Banff, August 2007 (chaired one session) Administrative Science Association of Canada annual conference (ASAC) 2007 (chaired one session) 2006 Canadian Academic Accounting Association annual conference (CAAA), June 2006, Niagara Falls (chaired one session) COURSE DEVELOPMENT 2015: improved the design of bu 487 through the term project, new course to teach 2015: improved bu 667 course design through the addition of class presentation of financial accounting theories, new course to teach 2013 Designed Bu 847, a Ph.D. course, new course to teach 2013 Re-structured BU 457 significantly 2006- Improving the course design for BU 457 (I am currently the course coordinator), and updating the course package 2006 Participated in course development organized by Thomson Nelson by joining group discussion about the further development of the text book for BU227, March 2006 SUPERVISION 2015 Spring term, Ph.D. student, Kainan Xiong, through bu 802 2015 Spring term, MBA student, Mohamed Hayder Abdelrahim, Bu 690 for bu 667. 2013- Supervise Yan Jin Ph.D. thesis PREFERSIONAL ACTIVITIES 2012 Course materials review for CGA Canada 2011 Course material review for CGA Canada TEACHING ACTIVITIES Courses Taught at Laurier BU 847 Archival Research in Accounting (Ph.D. course, 2013 Winter) Bu 667 Accounting theory and advanced financial reporting (MBA) Bu 487 Advanced financial reporting BU 457: Financial accounting theory BU 427 Financial accounting theory and advanced financial accounting BU 227: Introduction to Financial Accounting BU 247: Management Accounting (a new preparation Winter 2003) Supervision 2015 MBA student, Mohamed Abdelrahim, Bu 690 2015 Ph.D. student, Paul Xiong, Bu 802, summer paper 2014-2015 Ph.D. student, Yan Jin, dissertation. Courses Taught at Concordia University, Montreal, as a Ph.D. student 1998-2001 Introduction to Financial Accounting, undergraduate PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP 2002-present American Accounting Association 2002-present Canadian Academic Accounting Association 2005-present Administrative Science Association of Canada 2003-present European Accounting Association     PAGE  PAGE 2    $Fae  ÿéǥÝåytokgh}VfhMX* hg~5 h3*5hg~hU75hg~hg~5hg~hU7h4hHdhG6h}h2h XhxhSh_}?5 hU5 hSM5hBidh_}?h7h7h76 hg~h_}? hg~h7 hg~hg~h7h75 h$Y?5 h"5 hC75'$FaD D E F R S `gd7$a$gd7$a$ gd$+ - C D F Q R S W `   2 E G f h u | } ~ 1 2 N O P S ÿûóhh hchBidhBidhKh7hbhh2|h0hHbh6hch1/h%Sh`S h%Sh%S h>35 h*h>3h>3 hc5 h 5h7h75 hg~5 hg~hg~hMX*h Ak0S P } ~ 1 O P ^gdBid^gd & Fgd ^`gdc`gd7`gd`gd>3 ^`gd>3^gd>3S V   + X f |  øzsjcWKhez5h5>*CJhez5hH5>*CJ h05CJh8 5CJaJ h8 hLqMh(hF6 h(hFhFhFCJaJhC.hF5>*hhF6CJ]aJh06CJ]aJhF6CJ]aJ h%h7 hLqM5 h25h7h75 h}~5 hU5 h05 h5h hBidhhhV   X  -. ^`gdgdgdH $`a$gd $a$gd8 $^`a$gdF $^a$gdF $^a$gdF$a$gdF ,.?M}~ 5CDEJdegkռխ|xtphtdtdhfDuhghd6hghdh6[ hghghghg6hghhwO h.6 h6hh6h hhhh6 h16h HUh.h.6hGh.hh5>*CJhU5>*CJhIr5>*CJhez5hL"5>*CJ%.DEfgTO^gd & F*`gd*gd^gdb* ^`gdHb^gd6[ hh^h`hgd* 0^`0gdd ;^`;gdwOgd ^`gdkq =Io01L[{|}ʻî|ung hrCJ\ h9CJ\ hCJ\hh\ h \hh6\ h\h h9;*hh8 hhhh6 h6h9;*h6 h9;*hhhfzqhHbhHb5 hHbhHbhx:hfDuh9;*hHb6 h9;*hHbhHbh*(O|}DWXZ|| ^`gd9`gd9 7$8$H$^gd 7$8$H$^gd9 7$8$H$^gd9 7$8$H$`gd0$^`a$gd9 $`a$gd9 $`a$gd$1$a$gd^gd 178BCDENɿҎ~qh_WOhRVCJaJhPCJaJh?h9CJh?hKCJh?h?CJmH sH hKCJaJh?CJaJ h[oCJ\ h[o6CJ h96CJh9=hP6CJ h9=CJh0whP6CJ\h$1h$1CJ\h$1h$1CJ h9CJ\ h>CJ\ hPCJ\ hrCJ\ h$1CJ\h0whPCJ\NUVWX]YZczοοοڷ}yrng]V hez5h$1hez5h!M6] hez56]hez5 hez5h!MhhhB*\^Jphh9hKhi haq`h0hHh0h06h{h0CJaJh0CJaJh0h0B*\^Jphh9B*\^Jphh0B*\^Jphh9h4u3CJ\hPCJaJhCJaJ2IUWlnsxz|  »童xoxohhF1CJhh$1CJhh?6CJ] hCJhhHCJhh?CJ h>CJhez5h!MCJ hez5h$1 h96] hez56]hez5h!Mh!MCJaJhez5h!M6]hK hez5h!Mh9 hez5hF1 hez5h-u+J&67  BCgd}Vfgd+n ^`gdbmgd4u3gd? 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